The JESCO Group’s basic policy is to enhance the efficiency and transparency of management while maximizing corporate value from the viewpoint of shareholders by promoting integrated Group operations based on the Management Concept.
- コーポレートガバナンス基本方針 (237KB)
The Company’s corporate governance structure consists of the Shareholders’ Meeting, the Board Meeting, the Auditors’ Meeting, and the Officers’ Meeting.
The Board Meeting is the highest decision-making body and consists of seven directors of whom two are outside directors. The Board Meeting holds a regular monthly Board meeting based on the Board Meeting Regulations and extraordinary Board meetings as necessary and makes decisions on matters specified by laws and regulations as well as important matters concerning management.
The Company has also adopted an officer system to separate management decision-making and supervision from business execution. The Officers’ Meeting deliberates on important matters concerning business execution.
The Auditors’ Meeting consists of three corporate auditors of whom two are outside corporate auditors. The Auditors’ Meeting holds a regular monthly Auditors’ meeting and extraordinary Auditors’ meetings as necessary. Corporate auditors attend Board meetings and audit the legality and appropriateness of directors’ execution of duties.
- 取締役会の実効性評価の結果の概要 (101KB)